keyword research

Keyword Research Guide For Ranking Any Website

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In your journey of creating for yourself a website that can generate leads on it own, one thing remains constant: the importance of keyword research. If you’re looking to boost your website’s ranking and draw in organic traffic, understanding the elements needed for effective keyword research is absolutely essential. It’s not just about picking random words and phrases; it’s about strategic planning, analysis, understanding search intent and staying ahead of the curve. So, grab your something to take notes and let’s dive into the world of keyword research, uncovering the key elements you need to master.

Keyword research video

  1. Keyword Brainstorming: Start with the Basics  

The first step in your keyword research journey is brainstorming. Consider what words or phrases your target audience might use when searching for your products or services. Get into their mindset. Think about synonyms and variations. Here’s a tip: Use tools like Google’s autocomplete suggestions or related searches to expand your list. In the video above, I talk about using that feature that google gives you for free. Tools like Ubersuggest & Answer The Public are very great places to start. They both offer 3 free searches per day, and 1 search if you don’t want to create an account.

  2. Competitor Analysis: Spy on the Competition  

Competitors can be a goldmine of keyword ideas. Analyze the keywords your competitors are ranking for. Tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs can help you identify these keywords. Remember, the goal isn’t to copy your competitors but to find gaps and opportunities they might have missed.

Let me expand a little more on what I mean. If I want to create a lead generation website for a landscaping business, or my own landscaping business, I want to find out who is my competition and what search phrases they are appearing on Google for. Within those 3 free searches on Ubersuggest, you can research what keywords your competitors are currently ranking for.

  3. Long-Tail Keywords: The Gold Nuggets  

Long-tail keywords are longer and more specific phrases that have lower search volume but often higher conversion rates. They’re like the shoe in the door for small sites to be. Incorporate these into your strategy to target users who are closer to making a purchase decision. For example, instead of “shoes,” think “comfortable running shoes for women with arch support.”

  4. Search Volume & Competition: Finding the Sweet Spot  

It’s important to strike a balance between search volume and competition. High search volume keywords are appealing, but they often come with fierce competition. On the flip side, low competition keywords may not yield enough traffic. Tools like Google Keyword Planner can help you find keywords with the right balance.

  5. Search Intent Matters: The Four Types  

Understanding user intent is crucial. Keywords fall into four primary categories:

   –   Informational:   

These keywords are used when users seek information. Example: “How to tie a tie.”

   –   Navigational:  

 Users are looking for a specific website or page. Example: “Facebook login.”

   –   Commercial:  

 Users are considering a purchase but may need more information. Example: “Best smartphones 2023.”

   –   Transactional:   

Users are ready to buy. Example: “Buy iPhone 13 online.”

Tailor your content to match user intent for your chosen keywords.

  6. User-Friendly Content: Create Compelling Material  

Keywords alone won’t cut it. Craft high-quality, informative, and engaging content around your chosen keywords. Google loves content that provides value to users. Aim for comprehensive articles, informative product descriptions, and captivating blog posts. You also need to use Semantic Keywords

  7. Semantic Keywords

Semantic keywords are other common/related keywords used with your target keyword. Let me explain. If I want my target keyword to be about landscaping, my semantic keywords should be things like, edging, lawn care, leaf cleanup, etc. When you build out articles covering each of these keywords along with their related keywords, Google will see you as having Topical Authority

  8. Regular Updates and Monitoring: Stay in the Game  

Keyword research is not a one-and-done deal. It’s an ongoing process. Monitor your rankings and the performance of your chosen keywords regularly. Adjust your strategy as needed. Google’s algorithms and user behavior change, so your keyword strategy should evolve too. 


That should not be your primary focus at first. Ranking on google is not something that happens overnight. This is a long haul, a marathon. Not a sprint.

  9. User Experience (UX) Matters: Don’t Drive Traffic Away  

Lastly, but certainly not least, ensure that your website provides an excellent user experience. Slow-loading pages, poor mobile optimization, and confusing navigation can drive visitors away, no matter how well you’ve researched and optimized your keywords. This matters so much to the point that if your website is slow, google will push you further down in the search results!


In conclusion, keyword research is the cornerstone of a successful website ranking strategy. It involves brainstorming, competitor analysis, long-tail keywords, understanding user intent, creating user-friendly content, monitoring, and adapting. By mastering these elements, you can not only improve your website’s visibility but also provide real value to your target audience. So, get started on your keyword research journey and watch your website climb the rankings!

Check out the next article on how to pick a domain name

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