How Do Firefighters Identify Hazardous Materials
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How Do Firefighters Identify Hazardous Materials

As I am sitting here in the day room, watching some WW2 movies, I was surfing reddit and quora forums looking at what kind of questions people have out there. One question that stood out to me was in regards to hazardous materials (hazmat) spills or leaks is how first responders are able to identify…

What do Firefighters do when they cannot see
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What do Firefighters do when they cannot see

I’m sitting here on the recliner writing this while watching Home Alone (the original that came out in 1990) , and I was just surfing the internet and checked out an interesting question on Quora. Even though as firefighters, it’s easy to forget that things that seem “obvious” to us, are not that obvious to…

5 Things New Firefighters Must Do To Be Successful During Probation
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5 Things New Firefighters Must Do To Be Successful During Probation

So here I am sitting in the Sam’s club food court, enjoying a 4 oz hotdog and a drink for $1.50, can’t beat that man. Anyway, as I was enjoying my lunch, I was surfing the internet, reddit and quora specifically. I came across a question that peaked my interest. This individual asked, how can…

6 Reasons New Firefighters Get Fired On Probation
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6 Reasons New Firefighters Get Fired On Probation

The other day, I stopped by the local community college in my area, and was chatting with some of the fire instructors about how things are going with them, how things are going with me, etc. I then saw some of the law enforcement instructors I also had when I went through the police academy,…

Intern Firefighter VS Volunteer Firefighter
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Intern Firefighter VS Volunteer Firefighter

After speaking to many people both in and out of the fire service as to the things that they did to get hired by a full time fire department. There tends to be many different paths to get hired by a department. Many times these options can be drastically different from state to state or…

Is It Harder To Become A Firefighter Or Police Officer – Expert advice for big guys

Is It Harder To Become A Firefighter Or Police Officer – Expert advice for big guys

I was recently chatting with other firefighters around the kitchen table, we were throwing jabs at each other as usual about all kinds of stuff. I specifically get made fun of all the time because I used to be a sheriff’s deputy. So even though I am no longer in law enforcement, I get made…

Advantages Of Being A Heavyweight Firefighter
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Advantages Of Being A Heavyweight Firefighter

Here I was sitting drinking some coffee and chatting with the incoming crew a bit about. Of course here and there we take jabs at each other. Myself and a few other firefighter are big guys, and we like to rip into the much smaller guys. Yes there are many benefits in being somewhat smaller…

What Is The Hardest Part Of Being A Firefighter
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What Is The Hardest Part Of Being A Firefighter

A few weeks ago I was sitting in a room with other first responders, such as police, fire, ems, dispatchers & jailers over a critical incident that occured at the local county jail, resulting in a fatality in the jail’s sally port. As people began to relive the events that occurred, and talk out loud…